Happy New Year!!!
Welcome to a fresher start...a new beginning. Time for change, for growing, for making Someday...today.
It's been awhile. I took time off to try and focus on what was going on in my life. My lupus has been giving me a kick in the butt, well lungs.....Lol, but I'm under close watch from Dr's. My life is medicine and weekly treatments.... I have to listen and pray they work. I've been told a lung transplant would be in my future otherwise. And that doesn't sound like fun.
As a new year begins we always hear talk of "resolutions". I have never made one. I believe we should be striving to be better all year....not just in January. ;)
However....this year, I have thought about a small list of changes to make.....I like to call it "treatment plan for 2013"......
1.perfection. now I know no ones perfect. But we are to strive to imitate God, and He is perfect. I want a better attitude when it comes to serving, volunteering, cleaning...working. I will strive for perfection.
2.With that comes.....I want to give 110% at being a Proverbs 31 gal. It's easy to say "I've tried, nothing changes. I already did this and that....why should I do more?" If something doesn't succeed, I don't want it to be because I didn't give my all. I didn't try my very best.
3.Lupus kills. Yes. It's true. Dr told me so. But it's not winning me....I'm going to do better at listening...taking meds....not complaining.....and focus on positive. I've been battling depression since September, I would Love to drop the antidepressant.
That's my year....Lol. nothing major. No big diet scheme......I just wanna live life happy, to it's fullest.
Have a fabulous start to your new year....strive to be the best you can!!
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