Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Count your Blessings

This time of year always makes us think of what we are thankful for. We count our blessings, feel the urge to share what we have with others. Shouldn't we be doing that all thru the year?!

My family has been blessed with a nice home. It's not a fancy house, full of nice things- it's a comfortable home full of love. I enjoy sharing it with others. Opening it up to small groups & bible studies. Having dinner with family & friends.  when we moved I remember thanking God for blessing us with a home and nice yard to serve Him. Four years later, do I still have that mindset? 

With Christmas around the corner, ads and commercials and wish lists are thrown into our faces from every angle. I believe it's a sin to buy things just to buy them. Why buy gifts when you really don't "need" anything? What can you possibly buy that you "need"? My sons rooms are full of things. Closets full of clothes, shelves full of books. Seriously they need nothing. My husband and I encourage them every year that they think of those less fortunate. Those who really do need something, whether it be socks, a jacket or a book. We buy and donate to Local organizations. Donate gently used coats to the "jacket drive" at school, and give canned food to their classroom collections. 

Growing up my family always shared the holiday with those who may not have local family or anyone to celebrate with. We shared our thanksgiving day traditions with them. And Christmas Eve mom & dad have a game night with food and goodies to share with friends. Something we look forward to every year. Even my boys look forward to sharing their holidays and always ask " who's joining us?" They even submit names of families they know who need a place to go.

As the holiday season comes upon us I pray everyone thinks of ways to give back. Ways to share their blessings. 
Be creative! Pray about it! And make it happen!