Saturday, August 25, 2012

Pity party??? Quite possibly.

I haven't posted for the last week or so, not because I had nothing interesting to share. I had fear it would turn more into a pity party. This past weeks been depressing. I have had some good news healthwise... However I believe the bad still out weighed. Today's post is more to clear my own head....not necessarily a fun read. This morning I have been emotionally a mess. Feel irritable. Frustrated.  I owe several apologies for being confrontational....being cranky.etc. my Dr is detoxing me from 22 pills...I am suffering from withdraws. Am unable to sleep or pull it together. My chest is tight....and my head is pounding. That should be no excuse. There's no reason to be cruel, or rude or fussy. I dislike this feeling. I dislike all this relaxing I have done. I slept till 10am and took a nap at 11:40. If only i could sleep at night. It's ridiculous. Lol.                                            On another note... .I have been resting with my boys. Todays  Marathon consists of Star Wars. :-) I'm not a huge fan, but it satisfies them and keeps them still. The advice from Yoda is wise.....and silly.  I have learned alot from the little green dude.                Praying as tomorrow begins a new week, that it is full of change. Positiveness. I really need that right now :-) Looking forward to a day of worship with family and friends. We have so many that are moving on and leaving our church sad as I want to be in their decisions....I'm happy God is relocating them all to be closer to family.

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